Fundraising - Engraved bricks
Fundraising - Engraved bricks

Engraved bricks
PO Box 1621
10775 Ten Mile Road
Mason, TX 76856
325.265.4375 (Fax)

Engraved bricks fundraising will create high profits and success. Schools, churches, veterans' memorials and other organizations have found a proven, successful means to generate much-needed funds. Personalized engraved bricks are an ideal product for fundraising and they leave a lasting impression -- for the donor and for the community.

Here's how it works: Your school needs to build a new playground, for example, and you have been placed in charge of fundraising for the project. After consulting with the architect or designer, you decide that selling engraved donor bricks will be the best means to achieve your goals. Not only will they generate the funds needed to finance the project, the bricks become the actual material of the pathways winding through the playground. Engraved bricks also give members of the community a sense of ownership in the project. Local businesses can also have a permanent public recognition in your project -- a win-win situation!

So, after researching fundraising with engraved bricks and pavers, you find and contact ENGRAVESTONE to get started.

You then organize your fundraiser -- assign duties to team members, generate interest in your project, create brochures and order forms. We have a fundraising guide that will assist you in getting started with these tasks. As you sell the bricks, you input the donor and inscription information into our exclusive project management system, BrixBase. When you have recorded all of your donors and their inscriptions, we create lists that we use to engrave your bricks. The bricks are then hand-painted with a high quality and extremely durable laquer -- paint that is the standard in the industry. When the paint dries the bricks are carefully packed and shipped to your jobsite to be installed into your new playground.

ENGRAVESTONE has been in the business of engraving bricks, tiles, pavers and stone for fundraising since 1989. We will assist you in choosing the right material, how much you need, how much it will cost and your profit potential.

Please contact us today at (800)3ENGRAV or (325)265-4370 to discuss how you can have a successful fundraising campaign with ENGRAVESTONE engraved bricks.

© 2005 ENGRAVESTONE . Mason, Texas
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