Raise Thousands for Your Team
My Sports Dreams
258 Route 117 Bypass Road
Bedford, NY 10507
914-241-0204 x300
Welcome to the nation’s leading sports fundraiser for college and high school teams. Let us help you earn thousands of dollars this season to pay for travel, equipment or gear. Our proven system is quick and easy and it has worked for 13,259 teams at prestigious schools nationwide.
We are endorsed by dozens of national coaching associations, leagues, and tournaments that have discovered My Sports Dreams is the most profitable fundraising solution for America’s athletes.
The entire effort takes your team one hour to complete and if you follow our simple instructions, there is no financial risk. Best of all, there’s no selling so you can focus on what’s important – building a championship team and not worrying about how you’re going to pay for it.
Want to learn how we do it, read hundreds of testimonials from your coaching peers, and check out how much teams are profiting with My Sports Dreams? Use the form on the right to watch a short two-minute overview or click here and we’ll E-mail you all the details.
