Fundraising - Glee Club
Fundraising - Glee Club

6458 Dawson Blvd.
Norcross (Atlanta, GA)

Athletic Booster Clubs, Band Booster Clubs and Combined Booster Clubs have all been very successful in raising funds with an art auction, an excellent high school fundraising idea. Parents can all enjoy a social event while supporting their children’s interests. Maximum funds can be earned when the facility is free and refreshments like coffee and punch, cheese and crackers or a sweet table can be obtained through donations. Major grocery store chain’s bakery or deli departments in the area will often donate food platters to the cause for recognition and to contribute to the goodwill of the community.

On occasion the profits are earmarked for a special project like purchasing uniforms and new instruments for the band, equipment for the sports teams, a van for transporting sports teams to meets, computers for classrooms, renting a facility for a Senior Prom or funding for class trips. Funds are also needed to finance travel to competitions, summer camps for the school band, glee club, other music related and theater groups. Parents feel good about enabling their children to have advantages they could otherwise not afford to give them. Contact us for more high school fundraiser ideas.

Education Foundations have often combined the art auction with a sit down dinner/dance or a heavy hors d’oeuvre spread, combined with time for socializing and the bidding on auction items to support the organization. These events can be from casual to black tie. Education foundations advance education, research, self-development and foster equality and positive changes for society. These funds will have benefits that reach way beyond a single school.
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