Raise money selling jackets
Raise money selling jackets

the letterman jacket shop
The Sport Shoppe
PO Box 2064
Elk City, OK 73648
Ph. 866-846-6448

We are proud to offer our Letterman Jacket Fund Raising Program and would love to share our programs with your organization. We all know that these jackets are not cheap and anything that can be done to help cover the cost is of great value to everybody involved.

We offer a plan that will allow booster clubs, cheerleaders, band members and athletic departments to sponsor the jacket sale. We will assist you every step of the way. We can supply order forms, sample jackets to try on, sale announcements, and anything else you need to offer the jackets to your school.

You cut out the commissioned salesperson that comes to your school, collects the money, and then sends the jackets months later. Instead, your group will act as the salesperson in that you take the order, collect the money, and forward the order and payment to us. We deliver to your school promptly and you deliver the jackets to the students, using an announced delivery date so that the students will come to you. The very best part of this whole deal is that instead of the commission going to some company with no stake in your school, your group or department earns the commission. You read it right. We will assign a "commission" or "discount" per jacket based on projected sales allowing your department to earn real money on something that is going to be purchased anyway.

This is an incredible program and opportunity! Contact us and let us show you how valuable this can be to you.

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