Sports Bottle Fundraiser
Sports Bottle Fundraiser
PO Box 55687
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Whether you’re planning on using reusable and customized water and sports bottles, or water bottles that bear your group’s label, this type of fundraiser presents yet another simple and inexpensive fundraising option.
Advantages Of A Water Bottle Fundraiser
Water bottles are reusable
Reusable water bottles help save the environment from discarded plastic bottles
Printed water bottles serve as constant marketers every time they are used and seen
Water bottles do not perish and can be stored for future sales events
Water bottles are continuous fundraising products that you can sell over and over at each event
Water bottles are affordable
Your group can buy just enough to get the fundraiser started, then reorder stock as needed
Instead of buying printed water bottles, you can purchase bottles of drinking water in a variety of sizes complete with custom printed labels for your group. These are often available from bottled water suppliers like GlacierMountain for example in New Jersey. To save on shipping costs, find a local bottled water supplier.
You can also order directly from Bottle Your Brand, which offers the option of buying the labels without the bottles.
To cut costs even further, your group can buy bottled water in bulk from a local retailer and print your own labels.
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